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Along with Russian Ballet Friends Association has created an international project

Russian Masters Ballet Camp with the intention to develop and share the best traditions of Russian ballet and to provide an excellent experience to get the fastest and most complete professional growth unmatched.



The Russian Ballet Friends Association was created between spanish and russian partners for the preservation and expansion of the teaching tradition of classical ballet using the Vaganova Method.


Many of the members of the association are licensed teachers in the Vaganova Ballet Academy of St.Petersburg (Russia). Many of them are current teachers in the same Academy, tutors in the theaters as: Mariinsky, Mikhailovsky, Eifman Ballet and others. In their day a day they are forming new professionals who will become big stars...

russian ballet camp, russian ballet workshop, VAGANOVA ballet intensive, ballet workshop


Graduated in Rudolf Nureyev Choreographic School in 2002. Graduated summa cum laude in Vaganova Ballet Academy.
She became a star ballet dancer in the Saint-Petersburg Ballet Theatre K.Tachkin.
At 17 years old she danced her first soloist part – Kitri, in "Don Quihote".
At 25 years old she became a Promotor in one of the biggest music festivals of Spain nowadays, with more than 30,000 attendants: Electromar festival.

Nowadays she drives her best ever proyect:

Russian Masters Ballet Camp. She wants to expand all over the glove the best classical ballet traditions and with fear prices to broke limits and help students to improve and become the best as they could.

russian ballet camp, russian ballet workshop, VAGANOVA ballet intensive, ballet workshop
Have Giant Dreams, Take Giant Steps, Move the World Forward!

                          ASIYA LUKMANOVA

  • Vaganova diplomated teacher           * Electromar festival CEO

  • Rudolf Nureyev honors graduated teacher     * Russian Masters CEO

  • Worldwide Prima Ballerina

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